Rym Ayadi fields of expertise include inclusive and sustainable economic models, international financial systems, sustainable finance, financial markets and institutions, global financial regulation, governance and consumer protection, and socio-economic development and foresight in economies in transition.

Her current research focuses on the redesign of a global stable, sustainable and inclusive financial system that better serves economic and societal long-term objectives and with a particular emphasis on the diversity of corporate and business models, private-public partnerships and financing models and the conditions for their success, SME financing and the role of financial markets to achieve developmental objectives and the impacts on business models in finance and role of financial regulation and resolution and impacts on incentives in the financial market.

She also works on economies in transition, policy developments and foresight.

Rym Ayadi provides financial and policy advice to international organisations, governments and financial institutions.

Expert Groups


She is academic member of the European Banking Authority – Banking Stakeholders Group (EBA-BSG) since October 2018 and elected Chair of the  Group at the BSG meeting on the 26 February 2019 at the EBA Premises in London.

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Rym Ayadi is expert member of the European Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee (ESRFC) since April 2018.

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She is also expert member of the European Commission’s Financial Services Users Group (FSUG) since April 2017.

Screen Shot 2017-11-06 at 21.36.20Rym Ayadi is expert member of the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs – high-level expert group on the banking union – bank resolution and recovery since November 2015.