Migration, mobilité et développement: Le Maroc, au cœur d’une nouvelle vision planétaire

Il ne se passe pas une semaine sans que l’Université euro-méditerranéenne de Fès (UEMF) ne soit sur le devant de la scène. Ainsi, l’UEMF a organisé dernièrement un workshop autour du thème «Migration, mobilité et […]

Cass academics launch online risk assessment tool to monitor bank business models

Cass academics have devised the Banking Business Models 2019 Europe – a tool for assessing the performance of different banking structures.

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Fathallah Sijilmassi présente son livre à Bruxelles

«L’avenir de l’Europe est au Sud» est l’intitulé du dernier livre de l’ancien ambassadeur et ex-secrétaire général de l’Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM), Fathallah Sijilmassi présenté, jeudi à Bruxelles, dans le cadre de ses activités académiques.

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Londra resterà hub finanziario internazionale anche dopo la Brexit

Un nuovo studio della Cass Business School di Londra dimostra che, sebbene esistano alcuni indizi che, dopo la Brexit, Londra possa perdere alcuni dei suoi servizi finanziari a beneficio dei competitors dell’UE come Parigi e […]

Research shows City of London will remain an international financial hub after Brexit

A new report by the Centre for Banking Research at Cass Business School has found that although there are some indicators that a post-Brexit London may lose some of its financial services business to EU […]

Systemic risk factor could torpedo possible Deutsche Bank-Commerzbank deal

Deutsche Bank AG and Commerzbank AG will have a tough time convincing regulators a merged bank would not pose too much systemic risk, should they decide to pursue a tie-up, according to regulation experts and […]

Tunisia: EU-OECD regional seminar focuses on foreign direct investment in the Mediterranean

The EU-OECD Regional Seminar “Foreign investment trends and qualities in the MED region: Policies to maximise impact” took place in Tunis on 05-06 March 2019. The seminar focused on foreign direct investment (FDI) statistics and […]

Professor Rym Ayadi elected Chair of the Banking Stakeholders Group of the European Banking Authority

Cass Business School is delighted to announce that Honorary Visiting Professor Rym Ayadi, Founding President of the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA) and Director of the Euro-Mediterranean Network for Economic Studies (EMNES), has been elected Chair of […]

Fintech and financial stability

Held annually, the IWFSAS facilitates discussions of quality policy-relevant research papers that inform our understanding of how various financial sector policies can affect the architecture and stability of the financial system and the overall economy, […]

Coopération internationale Businessmed et Emea s’unissent pour favoriser le développement économique de la région euro-méditerranéenne

MEDITERRANEE. Jihen Boutiba Mrad, secrétaire générale de l’Union méditerranéenne des confédérations d’entreprises (Businessmed), et Rym Ayadi, présidente-fondatrice de l’Association des économistes euro-méditerranéens (Emea), signent un protocole d’accord dans le cadre du programme Ebsomed. Lancé fin […]

Rym Ayadi : “Il faut impliquer les jeunes économistes dans les défis économiques méditerranéens”

Coordinatrice scientifique de l’Emnes, Euro-Mediterranean network for economic studies, et présidente de l’EMEA (Euro-Mediterranean Economists Associations) basée à Barcelone, Rym Ayadi veut donner la priorité aux jeunes méditerranéens dans ses travaux comme dans son réseau. […]

New comprehensive Monitor places European Banking Business Models under spotlight

Montreal (ots/PRNewswire) – The European Banking sector has come under scrutiny with the publication of an in-depth continent-wide analysis by the International Research Centre on Cooperative Finance (http://financecoop.hec.ca/en/) (IRCCF) at HEC Montreal. The Banking Business Models (BBM) Monitor […]

Revealed: Catalonia’s Macro-economic Assessment of Options for Greater Independence within the EU

A future independent Catalonian state would be more successfully achieved through a mutually agreed resolution with Spain, rather than opting for a potentially uncertain and hence detrimental unilateral secession, a major report has concluded.

The study […]

L’Europe écartelée sur le cas grec

Une sortie temporaire est ouvertement discutée alors qu’un projet de compromis est mis sur la table
Encore debout au petit matin, lundi, les dirigeants de la zone euro étaient plongés dans de laborieuses négociations avec le […]

La Grèce défie l’Europe

Fort de ses 61%, le «non» grec fait craindre le pire dans la zone euro
Ils ont dit « oxi ». Non. À 61,31 %, les Grecs se sont prononcés dimanche contre les propositions des créanciers sur de nouvelles […]

Desjardins and HEC Montréal join to create leading research institute

Desjardins Group and HEC Montréal, an affiliated business school of the University of Montreal (Université de Montréal), will collaborate to establish a leading-edge research institute. The two organisations announced the creation of the institute at the International Summit […]

HEC Montréal and Desjardins Group create the Institut international des coopératives Alphonse-et-Dorimène-Desjardins

QUEBEC CITY, Oct. 8, 2014 /CNW Telbec/ – HEC Montréal and Desjardins Group announce the creation of the Institut international des coopératives Alphonse-et-Dorimène-Desjardins, as part of the Second International Summit of Cooperatives. The Institute will […]

Coopératives: un institut de recherche international voit le jour

(Québec) Le deuxième Sommet international des coopératives donne des résultats avant même la conclusion de l’événement par la création d’un institut de recherche universitaire.

C’est ce que le Mouvement Desjardins et HEC Montréal ont annoncé, mercredi, […]

HEC Montréal and the Mouvement Desjardins create the Alphonse and Dorimène Desjardins International Institute for Cooperatives

The objectives of the Institute will be to promote the development of advanced research into financial cooperatives and encourage research into non-financial cooperatives. As well as offering a forum for different players in the cooperative […]

HEC Montréal and Desjardins Group create the Institut international des coopératives Alphonse-et- Dorimène-Desjardins

Quebec City, October 8, 2014 – HEC Montréal and Desjardins Group announce the creation of the Institut international des coopératives Alphonse-et-Dorimène-Desjardins, as part of the Second International Summit of Cooperatives. The Institute will develop leading-edge research in […]


HEC Montréal aspire depuis plusieurs années à devenir un acteur d’envergure internationale en matière de recherche sur les coopératives. Voilà qu’un don de 3,5 millions de dollars du Mouvement Desjardins lui fournit enfin les moyens […]

“Les pays du sud attendent beaucoup plus de l’Europe, leur premier partenaire”

Après trois ans de recherches et d’analyses, le projet Medpro vient de s’achever par une conférence finale à Bruxelles le 26 février 2013 présentant quatre scénarios pour les relations euroméditerranéennes en 2030. Rym Ayadi, sa […]

Six propositions pour lever les freins au développement des PME

Comment soutenir les petites entreprises de la rive sud ? Des chercheurs du Femise posent la question et proposent des solutions, en comparant les cas de l’Algérie, de l’Égypte, du Maroc et de la Tunisie.

En […]

Etude Femise : Réponses politiques à la crise économique en Méditerranée

Quand et comment la crise financière a-t-elle atteint les pays du Sud et de l’Est de la Méditerranée ? Quels furent les canaux de transmission et les réponses politiques apportées ? Fédérant 80 instituts de […]

Quelle Euroméditerranée en 2030 ?

A quoi pourrait ressembler la région euroméditerranéenne à l’horizon 2030 ? Dans leur rapport « Scénarios d’évaluation et de transition vers une Euroméditerranée durable en 2030 » que Mediterranean Prospects a publié en juillet dernier, c’est à cette […]

Medpro details its visions for the Euro-Mediterranean in 2030

The recent uprisings in Turkey and Egypt are a threat for closer relations between Europe and Mediterranean countries. According to Medpro, this unsettled situation is the worst possible scenario for 2030, while more optimistic forecasters […]

“Les pays du sud attendent beaucoup plus de l’Europe, leur premier partenaire”

Après trois ans de recherches et d’analyses, le projet Medpro vient de s’achever par une conférence finale à Bruxelles le 26 février 2013 présentant quatre scénarios pour les relations euroméditerranéennes en 2030. Rym Ayadi, sa […]

A summit to save the European Union?

For much of the past two years, as the European Central Bank (ECB) has struggled to prevent Europe’s sovereign-debt crisis spiralling out of control, the focus has been on what should be done to save […]

Panel May Propose EU Banks Split Investment From Retail

BRUSSELS—A panel of experts appointed by the European Commission is expected to recommend Tuesday that European banks introduce barriers between their investment and retail units to prevent consumer accounts from being put at risk by […]

LTG Symposium

The treatment of long-term guarantees (LTG) offered in products such as annuities remains key to the successful implementation and application of Solvency II. It raises questions about market consistent valuation of assets and liabilities and […]

Countercyclical regulation in Solvency II: Merits and flaws

October 2011 saw the latest draft of Solvency II, the European Union’s code for regulation of the insurance industry. This column argues that the latest proposals need to be drafted again, urgently.
The October 2011 Solvency […]

European Analysts: effectiveness of other European oil ban on Iran depends on other major importers

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Think tanks : onze “labos” du pouvoir qui cogitent en Europe

Vieille tradition anglo-saxonne, ces laboratoires d’idées se multiplient en Europe et singulièrement en France. À quatre mois de l’élection présidentielle, leur influence grandit à gauche comme à droite soulignant ainsi une perte de substance des […]

Will the G20 Summit impact the world?

BRUSSELS, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) — The G20 Summit in Cannes, France, was meant to be a platform for top industrialized nations and emerging economies to discuss and consolidate plans to promote economic growth around the […]

Economists: EFSF Not Enough to Relieve Italy Fears

Now the next game begins. Even before the ink is dry on a deal to cut Greece’s debt and put up a firewall against financial contagion in Europe, leading economists fear the rescue package may […]

Banks’ fortunes tied to summits

In the run up to the euro zone summits on a solution to the debt crisis, the EU has agreed that around 100 billion euros is needed to boost the capital — that is cash […]

Europes banks need better monitoring report says

The financial sector’s biggest beasts are once again in the spotlight, amid fears many could go under if Greece were to default. Now a new report by a Brussels-based thinktank is adding to calls for […]

Ireland’s $90 billion question: Does it need a bailout?

Ireland is set to host EU and IMF officials Thursday in ongoing talks about a bailout for the debt-stricken nation.
The Irish continue to play high-stakes hopscotch with the European Union. While Ireland has agreed to […]

EU stress tests to kill off weak banks, experts say

BRUSSELS – As the debate over the credibility of Europe’s banking sector stress tests continues to rage, analysts say the EU’s refusal to openly discuss a framework for national debt restructuring has placed the bloc’s […]

Is E.U. Crackdown on Hedge Funds Bad for Business?

Hedge funds have a lot to answer for. They control more than $2 trillion in assets worldwide, use complex and secretive trading strategies to deliver high investment returns, are subject to little or no regulation, […]

Regulacjami w kryzys

Unia Europejska planuje zaostrzyć wymogi dla funduszy hedgingowych. Na celowniku znajdą się też agencje ratingowe. Euro było w poniedziałek najtańsze wobec dolara od kwietnia 2006 r.

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De-stressing the eurozone’s banks

A quick fix will not necessarily help Europe’s banks overcome the financial crisis. They also need help to restructure their business models.

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EU scrambles for co-ordinated action on troubled assets

10. FEB 2009, 17:50
European Union finance ministers agreed on Tuesday (10 February) to co-ordinate their different approaches to dealing with “toxic assets.”
Czech finance minister Miroslav Kalousek, whose country currently holds the EU’s six-month […]