Author(s): Rym Ayadi, Willem Pieter De Groen
In: Financial Markets, CEPS Policy Briefs
Date: 13 December 2013
Pages: 11
This Policy Brief attempts to draw lessons from the combination of the global financial crisis and the Arab uprisings focusing on the domains related to fiscal, monetary and financial policies. It does so by answering the following questions:
- What has been the impact of the crisis and the uprisings on the fiscal, monetary and financial policies of the SEMCs?
- What have been the crisis management actions?
- And what policy lessons can be drawn for crisis management in the future? And how can the EU contribute to this within the Euro-Med Partnership?
This Policy Brief presents the policy findings of a larger study (Ayadi, 2013) funded by FEMISE (Forum Euroméditerranéen des Instituts de Sciences Économiques) a Euro-Mediterranean network consisting of more than 80 economic research institutes, representing the 37 partners of the Barcelona Process.